Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Getting it off the ground in Amsterdam.

Part One

RG, callling a venue that used to be avantgarde, and still thinks it is risqué organising eighties-parties:

"I want to offer you a night with a completely new concept for this country. There are some English deejays coming over..."

Avantgarde venue: "Deejays? Ah, you mean diskjockeys. Will they be playing cd's or from vinyl?"

R.G.: "Vinyl, of course."

Av.: "Right! Well, go on!"

RG: "..to do a northern soul allnighter. Do you know northern soul?"

Av.: "Where can I look at it?"

RG: "I do a matinee once a fortnight."

Av.: "Do you want a matinee?"

RG: "No, a night. Allnighter - that does not sound like a matinee, does it?"

Av.: "Can you guarantee there will be at least 1000 people?"

RG: "No I cannot. It would be the very first time in this country."

Av.: "Of course we are eager for new things. But we have got to have a full house. How did you call it again?"

RG: "Northern soul."

Av.: "Never heard of."

RG: "Ever heard of Dexy's Midnight Runners then?"

Av.: "No."

Have not told him that it would not necessarily cater for a young public. That there would be quite a few people not far from old age pension age. Including myself. Saving that surprise for later - maybe - definitely....

To be continued

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